How To Remove Geo-Located Keywords

How To Remove Keywords from Geo-specific Rank Checking

How To Remove Keywords from Geo-specific Rank Checking
1. Navigate to the Rank Intelligence > Keywords page to remove geo-located keywords.
2. Use the Location filter and select Geo-Locations to view your geo-located keywords.
Additionally, you can filter for the specific location(s) from which you want to remove your geo-located keywords:
3. Go to the Keyword Detail tab to view the keywords and their tracked Geo location(s).
4. Select the rows of the keywords and locations you want to remove by clicking the checkbox next to each keyword.
5. In the Action dropdown box, select Delete Keyword + Geo Pair to remove the keyword from being tracked for that Geo location.

Note: This process only removes the selected keyword + Geo location pair. If the same keyword is tracked in another location, it will not be deleted there. If you need to remove geolocated keywords from different locations, you need to repeat the process for each distinct location/city. If you have a long list of geolocated keywords to be removed, you can also send it to to get help removing those in bulk.

How To Remove Keywords from Geo-specific Rank Checking video